Gimlet. Oil on panel, 12" x 12". $595. Click to buy.
Finally! Gimlet is the first of a series of around eighteen pieces for my upcoming Mixology art and recipe book. Vodka Gimlets are my specialty, so it was a natural to start with this one. There will have to be some in-depth experimentation with recipes after this. I know, it sucks to be me.
Gimlets are pretty colorless, except for the limes. Everything else--vodka or gin, simple syrup---is clear. I used sugar cubes instead of the s.s. to add some interest, but still wanted a complimentary color. That ended up being the fun part. A run to a local flooring store yielded some Marmoleum samples, one of which is seen here as the "countertop." I love the pattern, and found it fairly easy to imply with a few strokes. Working a bit bigger felt weird, but it allowed me to add details like the pattern in the depression glass bowl.
These paintings will be available after the book is released, hopefully in November.
p.s. Don't worry, I'm not a total jerk. I will return the samples and buy a few strips of Marmoleum for future paintings.
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